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Dukes Alki


Elliott's Oyster House,
Senior Executive Chef Jeremy Anderson

Iced Champagne Mignonette

Yield 2 cups

1 oz wt.           Shallots minced
2/3 cup           Red wine vinegar
2/3 cup           Rice wine vinegar
1 ½  cup         Mumm's champagne
1.5 tsp            Lemon zest (minced fine)
1 tsp               Cracked black pepper
1 tsp               Mixed peppercorns


  1. Crack all peppercorns to small specs.
  2. Mince shallots very fine.
  3. Combine all ingredients and place in a shallow pan only 1 inch deep.
  4. Place in the freezer and every half hour, using a fork, agitate the mixture until it is completely frozen. 
  5. The final product should look like shaved ice.
  6. Keep covered once frozen.

Serving instructions

  1. Serve oysters on half shells on serving platter.
  2. Place mignonette in small cup next to tray of oysters.
  3. Allow guests to spoon mignonette over oysters.

Click here to see Jeremy's tip

Nov/Dec 2007

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