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PCC Meat Lovers Pizza Hack

Serves 2-3

We're rolling into the colder months, and everyone is yapping about chili. But my cat smells pizza and can't get enough of the smell, so now's as good a time as any to cut loose with my PCC meat lovers pizza hack.

Keep in mind, that in my home all the food is as organic as I can possibly find, grass-fed, clean, wild caught, etc, so my go-to for all the ingredients here is PCC Markets. If you're outside the Puget Sound reading this, you can forage as best you can for where you live. Surprisingly, Safeway may be a great choice since they do offer a lot of organic products and clean options.

Why do I push out to these extremes? There are actually two reasons. One, for better health. Non-organic products are polluted with GMOs which will help your arteries clog and shorten your healthy life. Animals fed corn loaded with GMO's are passing them onto you in their protein, too. A recent UC Davis study indicated organic products contain up to 5 times the amount of nutrients as their GMO counterparts, because they have to work to stay healthy. Two - flavor. Organic products always taste better.

I'm a meat lover. If all I did was eat low grade meats, what's on sale, try to save a buck - I'd surely be dead by now or be living a painful life. Considering what it costs to get a pizza at the local pizzeria, making this recipe at home will probably cost about the same. Plus, you get to watch the cheese bubble in your oven!

Here we go…


  • 1 package PCC house made spicy Italian sausage; tubes removed
  • 4 slices Applegate Organic Bacon; sliced into ½" squares
  • 1 PCC pre-made cheese pizza
  • 1 package Organic Valley Pepperoni
  • 1 package Organic Valley Shredded Mozzarella


1. Set your baking rack onto the center point in the oven and pre-heat to 400⁰F.

2. Heat a medium sized skillet to medium, 350⁰F. and crumble the sausage the skillet. Cook until browned. Place 2 paper towels on a plate and transfer the cooked sausage onto the plate.

3. Cook the bacon in the skillet over medium heat until it becomes slightly crispy. Transfer it to the plate with the sausage and allow to drain into the paper towels

4. Unwrap the PCC pizza and place it onto a suitable baking sheet. Cover the entire top with pepperoni. Add a desired amount of the cooked sausage over the top (saving the excess for another time, or an omelet?), then add the cooked bacon over the top. Finally, finish the top off with a desired amount of mozzarella.

5. Shove it into the heated oven and bake for 10-12 minutes, until the cheese bubbles and slightly browns. If you set the oven to convection bake it will happen sooner - but you knew that.

With any luck, I might cut loose with my latest chili recipe... by spring!!!?

TM/November 2022

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