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Simple Breakfast Sausage

We like the J. Kenji Lopez-Alt breakfast sausage recipe from his book, The Food Lab. I've rewritten the recipe into a fully organic format and replicated it many times with great results. But it is labor and time intensive. I needed a short cut.

PCC offers several uncooked frozen bulk breakfast sausage options, but they don't hit the mark. Why? Because you can only pick between chicken or pork - that's all. Personally, the best breakfast sausage happens when you combine poultry and pork. Can you guess where I'm going…?


  • 1 lb package of PCC frozen bulk chicken breakfast sausage
  • 1 lb package of PCC frozen bulk pork breakfast sausage


  1. Thaw the packages of frozen sausage, optimally for a day in the refrigerator, otherwise in a pan of cold water for an hour or two.
  2.  In a large bowl, combine the sausage well.
  3. Using a falafel stamper, stamp out equal size discs.
  4. Heat a large skillet to 375⁰F. Add a tablespoon of avocado oil and place a series of discs into the skillet. Flip the discs after 2 minutes and cook until the internal temperature registers 165⁰F on an instant read digital thermometer. Cook the rest of the discs and serve.


  • Leftover sausage discs can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days, and in the freezer for up to two months.
  • Don't have a falafel stamper? Measure out 2-ounce portions on a scale and form the discs yourself (the way grandma used to).

Seattle DINING! Test Kitchen/February 2022

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