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Cook + Cork

A Chef and Sommelier Spill the Secrets of Food and Wine Pairing

Chef Harry Mills and Sommelier Chris Horn of Purple Café and Wine Bar (Heavy Restaurant Group) have put together a guide to make pairing easier for all of us. Purple is all about the pairing, so these two have serious experience in food, wine, and pairing. What a great holiday gift (or any-time-of-year gift) for those who love the art of eating and drinking.

Hopefully, their website will be up by the time you read this. If not, check back.

In the meantime, here is the information from the back cover of their book:

Cook + Cork: recipes and frank advice on how to enjoy food and wine in your life every day.

What you drink with what you eat is a big deal, but it's hard to navigate the sea of information (and misinformation) when it comes to food and wine pairing.

Chef Harry "Coach" Mills and Sommelier Chris Horn of Purple Café and Wine Bar in Seattle want to outfit you with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to make food and wine pairing as natural (and fun) as chocolate chip cookies and milk.

Cook + Cork explores basic food and wine relationships, introduces the idea of the Mind Mouth, and lays out an essential Wine Wardrobe with food-friendly recipes to get you started on your way to cooking food with pairing in mind. Sommelier Chris Horn gives his honest opinions and instruction on how to navigate the daunting world of wine stores and restaurant wine lists and gives you the template for what bottles to have on hand at all times. Each essential bottle is matched with a recipe written with helpful insider tips from the point of view of a former culinary instructor and twenty-year restaurant veteran, Chef Harry "Coach" Mills.

Cook + Cork is your guidebook to a more delicious existence.

November 2016

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