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The Piña Colada

Puerto Rico's National Drink

July 10 is Piña Colada day - as you read this, you'll realize you missed it. But our feeling is that piña coladas should be celebrated for more than a day, so here's a little background from Discover Puerto Rico along with a recipe so you can prep before you visit or have a piña colada party at home.

As with all famous things, there are conflicting stories of who originally created the piña colada. Suffice it to say, it's tropical, delicious, and refreshing, and has become Puerto Rico's national drink. The best part of the various origin stories is that "according to many sources" Hollywood actress Joan Crawford said that drinking a piña colada "…was better than slapping Bette Davis in the face." Ladies!

According to Discover Puerto Rico, there are many versions of the piña colada, but this is theirs:


  • ½ cup coconut cream
  • ½ cup pineapple juice
  • 1 cup of ice
  • ¼ cup white rum
  • Cherries, pineapple wedges, and whipped cream for topping


1. In a blender, mix the coconut cream, pineapple juice, ice, and rum until all ingredients are blended smoothly.

2. Pour the frosty drink into a tall glass, top with whipped cream and garnish with cherry and  pineapple. Refresh, relax, and enjoy!

Serves 1-2 (so, 1).

Photo courtesy of Discover Puerto Rico

July 2021

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